There are a lot of things to love about Atlanta. Music, Arts, Theater, Education, Museums, Great Food, Commerce, Sports, Entertainment, Broadcasting, and more- There really is a lot is happening in Atlanta and we didn’t want to be left out since that’s obviously where all of the kool kids are hanging out!
If you’ve spent much time in the area, you know that summer isn’t one of the many things people enjoy about Atlanta- so we are bring Boot Kamp to town May 13-15 before it gets too hot. We know the city well, and we know that many of you do too. Join us for the latest and greatest product version training. We’ll bring the K1000 & K2000- you just bring your thinking kaps!
We’ve got Georgia on our minds- come see us! Click here to get started with registration:
Not from Atlanta? That’s okay- it’s another great reason we selected Atlanta. Since we just can’t make it to every backyard in the world, we wanted to make sure a few “hub cities” made the list- Atlanta International Airport (ATL) is a hub for many airlines, so even I can get a direct flight from my tiny regional airport! If you find yourself but wishing we were coming closer to you- Atlanta might be the ideal location to join us.
Already pre-registered? Don’t delay! Pre-registration allows us to reach out to you when registration opens but does not guarantee a seat for you.